Remigiusz Krzyżanowski

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Remigiusz Krzyżanowski

Vice-President of the Management Board for Financial Matters

Areas of management:

  • Overseeing all of the Company’s operations, including in particular: finance, accounting, stock exchange relations and controlling.

He graduated with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in Finance and Banking specializing in Finance and Investment from the University of Economics in Katowice. He studied MBA Strategic Management at Oxford Brookes University, The Polish Open University in Kraków. He completed a brokerage course at the Warsaw Stock Exchange and postgraduate studies at the Wrocław School of Banking and obtained a Level II EFC - European Financial Consultant license, at the European Federation of Financial Professionals.

He graduated from the Mining Technical School at the Mining and Electrical School Complex in Jastrzębie-Zdrój with the title of machine technician specializing in the operation of underground mining machinery and equipment.

He has been running his own business for more than 22 years executing, among other things, business consulting contracts. He has been professionally involved in the finance and insurance industry since 2007. From 2017 to 2023, he served as a management board member of financial industry startups. He specializes in raising capital for investment purposes.

He has many years of managerial, coaching and mentoring experience.

He has completed numerous courses and specialized training programs in time management, motivation, self-discipline, NLP techniques, negotiation and sales, among others.