Ryszard Janta

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Ryszard Janta

President of the Management Board

Areas of management:

  • Heading the work of the Management Board, convening Management Board meetings and chairing them. Overseeing all of the Company’s operations, including in particular: organization and management, legal (including compliance), security, media relations, audit, control, corporate governance and personal data protection.

Manager with many years of professional experience in the manufacturing industry. He managed joint-stock companies and chaired Supervisory Boards, and determined the companies' development directions. He specializes in defining strategies for manufacturing companies, process optimization, risk management, investment profitability evaluation and restructuring.

PhD in economics, author and co-author of numerous publications on the capital market and insurance, long-time lecturer at the University of Economics in Katowice. Graduate of the University of Silesia in mathematics. Participant of numerous courses, workshops and training programs, co-organizer of an international scientific conference.